Dental Treatment

Samay Health Services is here to provide you with top-notch dental treatment. Our experienced team of dentists in Istanbul, Turkey, is dedicated to giving you the best care possible. Whether you need a routine check-up or a complex dental procedure, we are here for you. With our state-of-the-art facilities and personalized approach, you can trust us to bring back your confident smile. Book an appointment today and experience the exceptional dental services we offer at Samay Health Services.

Tooth Extraction

  A dental extraction (also referred to as tooth extraction, exodontia, exodontics, or informally, tooth pulling) is the removal of teeth from the dental alveolus (socket) in the alveolar bone. Extractions are performed for a wide variety of reasons, but most commonly to remove teeth which have become unrestorable through tooth decay, periodontal disease, or dental trauma, especially when they are associated with toothache.

Porcelain (On Metal)

  Porcelain fused to the metal dental crown is a dental restoration treatment that covers a tooth, restoring its size and shape and protecting it from further damage. It is made of a metal alloy and porcelain. The crown’s metal alloy component increases strength, allowing it to withstand pressure when chewing.

Composite Filling

  Dental composite fillings are essentially standard tooth fillings that are coloured to resemble the natural colour of your original tooth. They are also known as resin fillings, white fillings and tooth-coloured fillings.

Porcelain (Zirconium)

  Zirconia is a newer material for dental restorative treatments. It’s a type of ceramic — or, in more specific terms, a zirconium oxide — that’s stronger than porcelain and some metal alloys, and it gets fewer sharp edges from the normal “wear and tear” that happens over time.

Sinus Lift Surgery (Excluding Membrane and Graft)

  What does sinus lift mean? A sinus lift is a common surgical procedure to provide sufficient bone under the maxillary (upper jaw) sinus for dental implant placement. The sinuses in the upper jaw are air-filled spaces lying next to the nose, above the upper premolar and molar teeth, and below the eye.

Root Canal Treatment Single Canal (Excluding Filling)

  Root canal treatment, also known as endodontics, is a treatment to save severely damaged or infected teeth. The treatment is completed by removing the damaged part of the tooth pulp, washing and disinfecting it, and filling it.

Total Prosthesis Single Jaw

  A total prosthesis, therefore, replaces a complete set of teeth (upper or lower) with a base of synthetic material onto which artificial teeth are implanted, fitting in with the bite of the opposing set of teeth.

Skeleton Prosthesis Single Jaw/Skeleton Prosthesis Single Jaw (With Precision Holder)

Skeletal teeth prosthesis is one of the mobile prosthetic compensations reduced to a maximum. The skeleton core is made of cobalt-chrome-molybdenum alloy after which it got its name. Metal skeleton in upper jaw has the shape of a band while the lower jaw (mandible) skeleton takes the shape of a bow.

Night Plaque

  A night plaque is a transparent appliance prepared in a laboratory after taking the measurements of the teeth of patients with complaints of teeth grinding and usually applied to the upper jaw.

Implant (Swiss or German)/Implant Top Porcelain Crown

Dental implants are medical devices surgically implanted into the jaw to restore a person’s ability to chew or their appearance. They provide support for artificial (fake) teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.

Weighing (Teeth Stone Cleaning)

  Scale and clean is a professional dental cleaning process which helps remove plaque and tartar deposits which have built up on your teeth over time. Tartar or calculus is composed of bacteria, the accumulation of these bacteria near the gums causes tooth decay and/or gum disease.

Impacted Tooth Operation

  If a tooth does not come in, or emerges only partially, it is considered to be impacted. This most commonly happens with the wisdom teeth (the third set of molars). They are the last teeth to erupt. They usually come in between the ages of 17 and 21

Teeth Whitening

  Teeth whitening involves bleaching your teeth to lighten the colour of the enamel. The main ingredients used in tooth whitening products are the chemicals hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. The chemicals usually come in a gel, which is applied to your teeth. Sometimes a light is used too.

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