Hair Transplantation

Get the best hair transplant and discover the secret to restoring your confidence with our top notch hair transplant services. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to providing you with natural and long-lasting results. Say goodbye to hair loss and hello to a new you!

FUE Technique Sheet Transplantation

The donor area becomes indistinguishable within a few days, as streak-shaped scars and suture marks do not occur in the Fue technique.
Follicular Unit Excision (FUE), formerly called Follicular Unit Extraction, is a method of removing or «collecting» donor hairs in a follicular unit hair transplant procedure. In FUE hair transplant surgery, an instrument is used to make a small, circular incision in the skin around a follicular unit and separate it from the surrounding tissue. The unit is then removed (pulled) directly from the scalp, leaving a small open hole.
This process is repeated until the hair transplant surgeon collects enough follicular units for the planned hair transplant. This process can take 6 hours or more and can be performed over two consecutive days in large sessions. Donor wounds, about 1 mm in size, heal completely in seven to ten days.

DHI Technique

DHI is a modified version of FUE hair implantation and follows a similar procedure. Your surgeon will remove hair follicles from a part of your scalp, usually the back of your head, and implant them into balding areas. These hair follicles will eventually grow new hairs.

Sapphire Technique

The Sapphire FUE hair transplant is a method of hair transplant that provides a permanent solution to hair loss problems. This hair transplantation technique gets its name from the use of special sapphire blades during the opening phase of the treatment. Find out everything you need to know about the FUE method with sapphire blades. Saphir FUE hair transplant is an innovative hair transplant technique dedicated to men and women suffering from localized hair loss due to trauma, androgenic alopecia, traction alopecia or marginal alopecia.

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