Obesity Surgery

Samay Health Services is your trusted partner in providing quality healthcare solutions. Whether you’re considering weight loss surgery or seeking expert advice on managing obesity, our team of experienced professionals is here to guide you. With a focus on whole-person care, we strive to ensure that everyone who needs healing receives the utmost attention and support. Contact us today to learn more about our services and take the first step towards a healthier you.

Gastric Balloon

  The main purpose of gastric balloon treatment, alsoknown as gastric balloon, is to reduce the amount of food eaten in a single meal and to provide a long-termfeeling of fullness in a short time. Gastric balloons aredevices made of silicone that are placed in the stomachand can remain in the stomach for a certain period of time.

Sleeve gastrectomy

  Sleeve gastrectomy is usually performed withthe laparoscopic method or as a closed surgery, as it is commonly known in the community. In this surgery, approximately 80% of the stomach is removed byinserting various instruments through several smallholes in the abdomen. The shape and volume of theremaining stomach is approximately the size of a banana.

Gastric Bypass

  Gastric bypass surgery is a type of bariatric, or weight loss, surgery. During gastric bypass surgery, your physician makes changes to your stomach and small intestine to change the way they absorb and digest food. Gastric bypass aids weight loss by: Restricting the amount of food that your stomach holds.

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